Trans* Ally Training & Panel Talk

transgender T audience members at attention

A view of the audience at the Trans* Ally Training.

On Sunday, March 15th Waterloo Arts provided a training about how to be an effective and supportive ally for the trans* community.  Ryan Zymler of the LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland gave a detailed presentation regarding gender identity, expression, orientation and biological sex. The event allowed participants to speak with panelists regarding their unique experiences as trans* individuals or as a parent of a trans* person.

transgender training- silk screening

Ali Lukascy helping Emilie Unkrich screen print a trans* ally t-shirt to take home.

After the panel talk, we had a community social with refreshments, trans ally stickers (designed by Agnes Studio) and trans* ally t-shirt screen printing (with Collinwood artist Ali Lukacsy).

Ali Lukascy, Zoe Renee Lapin and Jacob Nash

Ali Lukascy, Zoe Renee Lapin and Jacob Nash