~* Waterloo Arts is excited to once again host its annual Holiday Co-Op in the main gallery. We are looking for Northeast Ohio artists and vendors to showcase their creative wares in support of maintaining a thriving local arts community. *~
>> Apply now at this link! <<
Deadline: October 2nd at 11:59pm. Be prepared to include your contact information, images of work and/or past market displays, desired table size, price range, and type of wares to market.
What does it cost to vend?
Artists and vendors can apply for half ($30) or full tables ($60). A full table is roughly 6’ x 2.5’. Upon acceptance, vendors will secure their presence at the sale by paying the fee attached to the table awarded. Note: Table sizes are awarded at the discretion of Waterloo Arts.
Additionally, Waterloo Arts will take a 30% gallery commission on all sales to cover operational costs.
Vendors have the opportunity to have their table fees refunded at the close of the Co-Op by working at the Co-op. Vendors may sign up to work a 3-hour shift during the Co-Op’s run to have their $30 half-table fee refunded, or two 3-hour shifts to have their entire $60 fee refunded. Shift responsibilities include opening/closing the shop, processing sales, and welcoming customers to the space. We offer this fee return to ensure the Co-Op is open during prime weekend shopping hours and to provide an opportunity for Co-Op visitors to meet local artists.
What is the timeline?
The Holiday Co-op is open November 27th and runs through December 18th on Tuesdays, Saturdays & Sundays 11am-4pm with extended hours on Friday from 11am-8pm.
– Deadline for submissions is Sunday October 2nd by midnight.
– Notification of acceptance by end of day on Friday, October 14th.
– Table fee payment due Tuesday, November 1st. This confirms your participation in the event.
– Drop-off and Installation of wares on Saturday and Sunday, November 19th and 20th at the gallery from 12-4PM.
– Inventory lists (required) and shift sign-ups (optional) due upon drop-off of wares.
– Deinstallation and pick-up Sunday, December 18th from 4-7pm and Monday, December 19th from 12-4pm.
Where does the sale take place?
Waterloo Arts Gallery, 15605 Waterloo Rd, Cleveland, OH 44110
What else do I need to know?
Cash and credit transactions will be accepted through our Square POS. Artists/vendors will be paid their sales amount (minus the 30% gallery commission) after the close of the Holiday Co-Op.
All goods are required to be tagged with the artist/studio name or initials, item, and price. More specifics regarding labels will be provided upon acceptance.
Vendors are asked to consider the display of their wares. Waterloo Arts can offer limited table coverings and display structures. Please plan to bring signage, business cards, display structures, and additional flair to make your booth pop!
If you have any questions or comments, please email kayli@waterlooarts.org. Or, call (216) 692-9500. Thank you for your interest in the Holiday Co-op at Waterloo Arts!
FAQ for accepted participants
Q: How will I know where to put my things when I arrive for drop-off?
A: Tables are pre-placed in the gallery and vendors are assigned to tables ahead of the designated drop-off times. Upon arrival, please find the table labeled with your name and/or business and begin setting up! Limited table coverings will be available for you to borrow. If you cannot stay to install your wares, you may arrange ahead to leave all tagged products and display items in a box labeled with your name for Waterloo Arts staff to install. Please note that Waterloo Arts staff may make minor adjustments to table arrangements before opening shop to ensure that the shopper experience is seamless & spectacular.
Q: Where do I include my products’ SKU numbers?
A: Because we use our POS for other events at WA, we don’t yet track SKU numbers. If you have a sophisticated system for tracking your inventory, you may work those numbers/notation into your inventory sheet. We will reference those numbers in your final sales report to assist.
Q: Will I be notified when I’ve sold items? How will I know when I need to restock my table?
A: Waterloo Arts staff will contact you when your table is beginning to look sparse. We will try our best to contact you ahead of the weekend to make sure you have time to get to the gallery! Our busiest weekends are opening and closing weekend, as well as the first weekend in December.
Q: Can I leave backstock for Waterloo Arts to restock my booth during the run of the sale?
A: Yes. You may store additional product in a box under your table.
Q: I have custom packaging for my items, and I’d like them to be boxed/bagged/wrapped in a certain way upon purchase. Is this possible?
A: If necessary, you may include custom packaging in your drop-off box. Please indicate which items the packaging is intended to be used for (ex. Only earrings need bags; Glass sculptures each have their own box; or Perfumes are to be packed in cloth pouch). We will keep these materials behind the register and inform scheduled clerks which items require custom packaging. You may alternately provide business cards, signage, or social media links at your table for guests to receive branded takeaways.
Q: All the shifts are filled/I can’t work any of the remaining shifts. Will I still be able to have my table fee reimbursed?
A: Once all shifts are filled, we will then open up the shift scheduler to accept more than one vendor per shift.
Q: If I’ve signed up for a shift, will I be provided with instructions on how to open shop, close shop, and make sales?
A: All vendors who schedule shifts will receive instructions detailing how to enter the building, how to navigate the Square POS on the iPad, where to find extra supplies, and who to contact in case of trouble. We will also print a quick reference sheet to place behind the checkout counter.