Support local restaurant Callaloo Café and the Euclid Beach Blast 2013-Cash Mob style!
What’s a Cash Mob?
According to Cash Mob Cleveland -“The general idea is to encourage people to go into small, local businesses and spend their money, en masse, to give the business owner a little bit of economic stimulus. Help businesses grow, make people happy, get stuff for ourselves, have a great time, and maybe get a drink to celebrate afterward!”
Here’s how it works:
Just show up at the Callaloo Café on Friday, June 7th, 6PM-9PM and be ready to spend at least $20 and tell your friends to come too! That’s it! Thanks to owner Kevin Cadiz, 10% of all of the profits raised from the Cash Mob will be donated to the Euclid Beach Blast 2013!
Callaloo Café:
The Callaloo Café brings the flavors and colors of the Caribbean right to North Collinwood! Located in the former Cafe Arts Collinwood-15601 Waterloo Rd, the Callaloo Café boasts an exceptional menu of Trinidadian dishes including among many others, Callaloo-the country’s national dish!
Check out Callaloo Café on Facebook:
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