Author Archives: Waterloo Arts

June 7: Callaloo Cash Mob

Support local restaurant Callaloo Café and the Euclid Beach Blast 2013-Cash Mob style! What’s a Cash Mob? According to Cash Mob Cleveland -“The general idea is to encourage people to go into small, local businesses and spend their money, en masse, to give the business owner a little bit of economic stimulus. Help businesses grow, make […]


Euclid Beach Blast: August 3

Now into its fourth year, Euclid Beach Blast celebrates and explores the past, present and future possibilities of Euclid Beach Park in Cleveland’s North Collinwood Neighborhood with an evening of live music, performances, workshops, kids activities and more-Saturday, August 3rd, 5PM-9PM-Euclid Beach Park. Connect with Euclid Beach Blast! twitter @beachblast2013 Its a win-win! […]


Call for Artists for the Arts Collinwood Members Show

Arts Collinwood Annual Members’ Show:  CALL FOR ARTISTS Description Artists are invited to submit work for the Arts Collinwood Annual Members’ Show.  This is a unique opportunity to exhibit work during the 11th annual Waterloo Arts Fest which is the district’s largest event welcoming more than  5,000 attendees.  This opportunity provides substantial exposure for our Artist […]