Author Archives: admin

Sand Sculpture Day July 25

Get out the sunscreen, the beach umbrella, the shovels and pails – Arts Collinwood is going to the beach for a whole afternoon and evening! The day starts with a beach clean-up (an excellent opportunity to collect found objects to enhance your sculpture) with the collaboration of  Alliance for the Great Lakes. Then, unless you’re […]


Arts Fest After Party!

Come on out to the Waterloo Arts Fest after party, hosted by the Beachland Tavern! For the low-low price of only $5.00 you get free food, a free drink, and wicked dance beats! Saturday June 27th from 7pm-9pm right after the Waterloo Arts Fest! Be sure not to miss out!  We’ll see you there!


Check out a Waterloo Arts Fest sound bite from the Helper T-Cells!
