Annual Members’ Show

Last summer, approximately 4,000 people visited Downtown Waterloo during the Waterloo Arts Fest.  This year, with the Fest bigger and busier than ever, Arts Collinwood’s Artist Members’ will be in the spotlight during the district’s summer programming.

The Arts Collinwood Members’ Show will be featured in a fundraiser on Friday, June 5.  It will officially open with a free wine and cheese reception Saturday,  June 6, and run through Saturday, June 27.

To have your work considered, please submit not more than three pieces, ready to hang or otherwise display.  Work that is not ready for display cannot be included.  Selections will be made by the Gallery Committee, on the basis of individual merit, taking into consideration size, space availability and overall dynamics of the exhibit.  Only works not previously exhibited in the Arts Collinwood Gallery are eligible.

Along with your artwork, please submit clear and complete title and pricing information, and an artists’ statement or biographical information.  Be sure that each piece is clearly labeled on the back.  Arts Collinwood receives a 25% commission for works sold during the exhibition. Please consider this when pricing your work.

By submission of work to the Members’ Show participants agree to the guidelines set forth below:
The exhibition will be a “Public Forum” – artists themselves, not the Art Gallery or Arts Collinwood, will be responsible for the content of the works. Entries may not be submitted anonymously. We request that artists exercise common courtesy – please do not enter intentionally offensive works. Submissions that interfere with the viewing of other entries may not be installed. Submissions that in the sole discretion of Arts Collinwood are considered unsafe or illegal will not be exhibited.  Entries must remain in the gallery for the duration of the Exhibition.

All artists submitting work must be members of Arts Collinwood.  New members are welcome to join at the time that they submit their work.  Entrants grant permission for Arts Collinwood to use their images in promotional materials, and agree to have their artist information included in show materials.

Submission Dates:

  • Friday, May 29,  3-9pm
  • Saturday, May 30, 12-4pm

Work can be picked up on Sunday, June 28 from 1-4pm, Monday, June 29 from 3-9pm.

Bring your work to:    Arts Collinwood Gallery
15605 Waterloo Rd.
Cleveland, OH  44110

For more information, or if you have questions about the status of your membership, please call Sarah Gyorki:  216-692-9500 or email to  We look forward to seeing your work in the Arts Collinwood Gallery!